

Plannin’ yer weekend

Here it is! Your schedule of events for Design Ranch 2023. Download the PDF version, or take a look at the image below. Workshop registration for attendees will open from this page on Wednesday, February 22nd at noon central.

Design Ranch 2023 Schedule of Events

How to register for workshops

First go to

Once you’ve logged in, you will be able to browse and select sessions.

You will be allowed to choose 5 workshops. After a couple of weeks, and everyone has chosen their top workshops, you may add more workshops, should your schedule permit.

Selecting your workshops

1. To Select a Session click on the circular checkbox in the top left corner of the workshop you want to choose, and you will see a tick symbol (✓) appear.

2. To De-select a Session click on the circular checkbox again and you will see the tick symbol (✓) disappear.
Please note: this will automatically make that seat available to other attendees.

3. If the workshop is at full capacity, then you will see labels to inform you of this (e.g. “full”)

4. If Workshop is full, you can join the waitlist and be automatically added to the session if a space becomes available.

That’s it, there buckaroo!

Please note: there is no confirmation page or email. It’s as simple as checking those boxes!
Got questions? Email us at